The Honorable Prime Minister of Pakistan announced that government will provide laptops to talented students. The project aims to give opportunities in the form of laptops to young and talented students studying in public sector Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) across the country and Azad Jammu & Kashmir. The project has been approved by ECNEC, as the Prime Minister Youth Laptop Scheme (PMYLS). In this regard, 100,000 laptops would be awarded to talented students on merit through an online transparent system. In the past, two such schemes have been successfully executed by the Higher Education Commission.
Students are advised to Apply Online by Registering or Updating Profiles at the following link of the Students’ Service Portal. (Students can apply through the web portal or through Mobile App)
Students enrolled not earlier than their respective program duration as per the table below:
- The applicant must have a valid CNIC/ B-Form number.
- Must be a valid student as of the closing date for application submission i.e., 20th Jun 2023
Degree Name | Duration | Date of Admission ( Greater than or After ) | End Date |
PhD | 5 Years | 30-Jun-18 | 20-Jun-23 |
MS/ MPhil or Equivalent | 2 Years | 30-Jun-21 | 20-Jun-23 |
MBA | 3.5 Years | 31-Dec-19 | 20-Jun-23 |
MBA | 2.5 Years | 31-Dec-20 | 20-Jun-23 |
MBA | 1.5 Years | 31-Dec-21 | 20-Jun-23 |
Masters (16 years) | 2 Years | 30-Jun-21 | 20-Jun-23 |
Undergraduate | 5 Years | 30-Jun-18 | 20-Jun-23 |
Undergraduate | 4 Years | 30-Jun-19 | 20-Jun-23 |
Students studying in public sector Universities/ Degree Awarding Institutes duly recognized by HEC (Except Distance learning)
- Students enrolled in PhD/ MS/ MPhil or equivalent 18-year program.
- Students enrolled in a 4-year or 5-year bachelor’s degree program (morning and evening)
- Students enrolled in MBA Program (3.5 years, 2.5 years, and 1.5 years)
Following students will NOT be eligible for laptops under this scheme
- Students enrolled at any private sector higher education institute (HEI).
- Students who have already received a laptop under any Federal or Provincial Government scheme.
- Foreign nationals, except students from AJK.
- If any student has not applied online or his/her application has not received through online portal.
- The eligibility for laptop award will also be determined at the time of distribution. If student(s) failed to produce the required documents and proof of academic performance, against the data which made him/ her qualified for laptop, he/ she shall not be awarded with laptop.
- Any selected student who passed out degree program prior to laptop distribution.
Distribution Strategy/Selection criteria:
- Once the student has applied online (before the deadline) through the HEC online portal. Then the System which can filter eligible and ineligible students accordingly.
- The Focal Person of the relevant department, will verify the student’s data through their online focal person account, specifically, Name, CNIC, Department, Degree Level, Last exam percentage/ CGPA, etc.
- Any discrepancy found in student’s data then it will be amended accordingly by updating/ editing student data after obtaining student record from the Institute or from the student themselves.
- The focal person, upon the nature of the application can disapprove or verify the student or make the correction within given timeline.
- Each Institute will be given their share of laptops based on a predefined quote as outlined in eligibility and merit criteria.
- Once the deadline for verification from HEC has expired the automated process will run on the System to generate merit lists for each University by HEC.
- Then HEC will share the provisional merit list among the institutes for their cross check and institutes will cross check to reply within 15 days..
- After removal of the discrepancies from provisional merit list -if any, then HEC will share the final merit list among the Institutes accordingly.
- Final Merit Lists will be published on an online portal, where every student and general public can view the merit status of each individual.
Distribution Criteria:
The distribution criteria have been defined as follows:
- Laptops will be purely distributed on merit basis in each degree program i.e. (PhD, MS/M.Phil. and 16 Years of education)
- Share will be determined as per university enrollment and the laptops Quota for each degree program will be determined (i.e., University Quota, Campus Quota, Degree program Quota, Department Quota and Years wise distribution).