Directorate of Academics

The Directorate acts as a focal point for academic matters, as they relate to the students, faculty and administration. The Directorate ensures that the academic decision making at the University follows a process of due diligence at every level, through the Departmental Boards of Studies, the Faculty Boards of Studies and, culminating in, the Academic Council. The Directorate schedules, plans and conducts meetings of the Academic Council and follows up on it decisions. The Directorate also ensures that academic decisions are duly incorporated into the statutory documents of the University. The Directorate acts as the University link with the Higher Education Commission on all academic matters.



  • The Directorate is to ensure smooth and efficient implementation and progression of all academic Programs at BU in line with HEC/other regulatory bodies’ instructions and BU statues/ regulations and policies.



  • Develop Policies and Rules for UG/PG programs and ensure their effective implementation.


  • Monitor implementation of the Academic Regulations and academic decisions of the statutory and regulatory bodies.


  • Process recommendations and proposals submitted by the Faculty Board of Studies through Academic Council.


  • Process cases of Equivalence, Exemptions and Time-Bar Extensions, in accordance with relevant BU/HEC Rules.


  • Maintain updated Departments-wise record of ongoing and planned UG/PG programs in all CUs, and develop/upgrade webpage of UG/PG programs on BU main website.


  • Scrutinize and process the cases of new PG programs for NOC from HEC.


  • Process HEC approved supervisor cases of BU faculty members and maintain their records.


  • Supervise the induction/admission of quality PG scholars through proactive interaction with faculty Deans and the HODs.


  • Monitor research progress of PG scholars of all academic programs through quarterly progress reports by respective CUs, and guide the HODs regarding the progress, monitoring and feedback of PG scholars.


  • Process and ensure implementation of BU 100% Fee Waiver policy of faculty members/employees for MS/MPhil/PhD programs.


  • Facilitate the Admissions Dte in PhD admissions (paper setting / moderation, Rector’s Interview, etc).


  • Monitor the planning and conduct of annual Symposium for PhD scholars in all CUs.


  • Process cases of PhD students under High Achiever Scholarship Award policy.


  • Ensure Plagiarism Check in accordance with BU/HEC Rules at each stage of PhD Thesis evaluation


  • Process the foreign evaluation of the PhD Thesis and their follow up for timely evaluation reports from foreign evaluators as well as compliance of these reports by respective scholars/departments of respective CUs.


  • Coordinate the Final PhD Thesis Defence by respective CUs and monitor its follow up for timely assessment reports from the examiners.


  • Perform any other duty related to academic matters assigned by the Rector/Pro-Rector (Academics).



Director: Cdre (R) Asim Raza SI(M) Ext: 1416 Email:
Slot Gacor