HEC Need Based Scholarships


Bahria University offers HEC Need Based Scholarships with the financial support of higher Education Commission. The BU facilitate financially weak and deserving students through Need Based Scholarships. It aims to elevate the socio-economic status of the students by enabling their access to modern education and career opportunities towards a brighter future.


To provide opportunities to talented but financially disadvantaged students and empower them to acquire a high quality education
To provide opportunities for qualified students especially from remote and rural areas of Pakistan (FATA, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Southern Punjab, Balochistan, and Northern Sindh)

General Eligibility Criteria

  • Financial assistance & scholarships are available for study at Undergraduate level in all disciplines at HEC selected public sector Pakistani universities and degree awarding institutions.
  • Students need to compete for securing admission at the participating institution as per admission policy of the institution and be enrolled in Undergraduate (4 years) programs.
  • Students in financial need who are already enrolled in participating institutions are also eligible to apply.
  • The eligibility of a candidate is linked to his/her financial needs as assessed by the Institutional Scholarship Award Committee. The financial background of the family of the applicant will be kept in view in this regard.
  • The number of slots will be decided by the universities.
  • Funding for slots will continue for the complete duration of the program. In case any students drop out, they will be replaced by other candidates on the waiting list.
  • All disciplines will be kept open. The selected university will decide whether to include or exclude any discipline keeping in view its grant, program cost, and number of allocated slots, etc.
  • Considering the allocated grant, the university may adjust the total number of scholarships to an extent in order to cover the tuition fees.
  • In addition to the tuition fee, every awardee will be paid Rs.6000/- stipend per month for the complete program.


For Further information pls visit following link
